“In a gentle way, you can shake the world”
— MK Gandhi
“When we fully open ourselves up to life, we can live in the merging waters of stillness, love and wisdom.”
- Robert Mulhall
Executive Coaching
Anyone can be in a position of leadership but few embody the qualities and presence of a transformational leader. Our work will be challenging, disruptive, and incredibly rewarding. We will dive deep into your leadership potential regardless of your position or the field you work in. It’s time to uncover the leader you know you can be.
Akashic Consultation
An Akashic consultation is a powerful and intimate experience that allows you to have a direct conversation with your Soul. Through asking questions, the Akashic record keepers will share the information that is right for your soul’s evolution at this time. You will walk away with a deeper understanding of who you are, why you are here and what in your life is calling for your attention.
Shamanic Healing
Do you long to fully embody your power? Do you long to walk with the Earth, not just on her? Do you feel a call but are not sure how to release your full passion? Do you feel stuck or repeating patterns over and over? Shamanic healing, in the Irish and Celtic lineage, can help support you with these dynamics and more. We will work together to help you navigate this path and to realize a deeper freedom, power, love and stillness.
By tending to the subtle and evident aspects of our life, we can find a deeper freedom and live from that place of inner clarity, peace and contentment.
Learn more about how we can work together.